Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                                Veterans Day

 Veterans day is commemorating the signing of armistic that  ended World War 1. It is on November 11th. The purpose for Veterans day is to honor Americas veterans for their patriotism and their love of the country. It is important to show honor on Veterans day for they risked lives , providing  security, for the family sacrificing they make, and for there willingness to fight an die for us. Their are several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans day such as saying thank you when you see anyone who serves our country, write letters to soldiers, donate to troops, take a moment to reflect on veterans day, etc.


I feel great that there is such a day that everyone can take their time to thank those wonderful Veterans. Everyday we can wake up to a beautiful safe morning because of them. The reason we fall asleep with no fears is because of the brave veterans. I do no know what situation our world will be in if we didn't have those amazing Veterans in our life. We are very blessed that these brave men and women chose to serve are country. No one forced them to serve our country they chose to protect us which can lead to risking family and their own lives. So we are very grateful to have such intelligent brave soldiers as them. They are incredible people.

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