Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Final Part 1 of 2
   Class Evaluation
  1. I liked this class because I got to learn new skills everyday what I also like about this class is that we also get to learn how to be a CTR person. What I also like about this is class is that we receive inspiring quotes mostly every other day. I also like when we receive a CTR card check.
  2. Suggestions I might have to improve this class will be a little less typing tutor, more free time, recent CTR card checks, and educational games that have to do with this subject.
  3. I think that I did my best in class but could have gave in a little bit more effort.
  4. I am committed to being a CTR person. I think I just need to remind myself that I need to choose the right every single day In order to achieve being a committed CTR person. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

IDP Showcase

We were all assigned to do an IDP project. This wasn't my first IDP showcase I have also done one similar to this one but in summer bridge at HPIAM. The IDP showcase night went okay. It didn't went as well as I imagined it to be but it was still okay. We all had to come dressed professional. I wore a white dress with a white cardigan. Not only did we need to dress professional we also needed to act it too.  Their was five people including  my self in my group. The good thing about the presentations was that everyone new what they were going to say. The bad thing about the presentations was that out of five people, three showed up and one came at the end of the presentation. My IDP topic was lung cancer, I was put to say the treatment/cures of Lung cancer. I was also assigned the part of Community Resources. I learned a lot about Lung Cancer many things I did not know. Overall, I think my IDP presentation was a great experience for me and a great way for me and my group to practice our speech skills.

"Always do right."
Mark Twain
This is a very true and important quote. This quote explains to us that we need to do what's right every day all the time. We are all able to do the right thing. We shouldn't just do the right thing or do good in front of adults or people you want to impress. You should always do right. An example of how you can do right is by helping others, or hanging with the right crowd, you  can even show your act of doing the right by influencing others to do so too. Doing the right will always make you and others happy. Always do the right.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

                                         "If we do what's right, we have no need to fear." 
                                                                Evan Stephens
What this quote means is that if we choose the right and do the right thing we can achieve being fearless. we have fear off plenty mainly when we are doing bad. For example, if someone happens to ditch school or start doing drugs he/she is doing the wrong so they will have fear. Fears such as the fear of the repercussions, fear of parents, and fear of future life. That will happen if you choose to do the wrong thing. In the other hand, if you do what's right you can be fearless and happy. For example, if someone decides to complete all four years of high school and get into college and finish there studies he/she will be fearless.  They won't have to fear the repercussions because they won't have any because he/she did what was right.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

 Physical Fitness
" Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."

President John F. Kennedy
What this quote means is that physical fitness is very important. Physical fitness can lead to a fit, healthy, active person. Physical fitness doesn't just have to deal with being in a good shape, and doing exercise it helps the mind and the body become more complex. The physical fitness you are doing with your body is sent by your mind. By being physical fit you stay away from drugs. 


From any place in the world I choose Hawaii. Hawaii is very beautiful. I have been to Hawaii recently I went to the island named Kuau'i it was so relaxing, everyone is so nice, and it's so peaceful. I would love to visit Hawaii again. Hawaii's nickname is Aloha state its capital is Honolulu. Hawaii is made up of eight islands containing many little individual islands. When I went is was so green and pretty. Hawaii contains of many forests, waterfalls, mountains, and beautiful rainbows. Hawaii is full of wonderful animals. Animals there are not like here in California.  The flowers there are so magnificent, takes your breath away finding out there is many more other kind of flowers than your ordinary garden flowers. There are many wonderful beaches there in Hawaii. There is this one beach that meets in the middle and creates a pathway. I love that there is fresh air every morning you wake up. Hawaii is very marvelous and I would want to visit there again or perhaps even live there. Hawaii is filled with many awesome attractions and is a great state to visit.


Monday, November 30, 2015

                       "Kindness is the essence of greatness."
                                                                 Joseph B.Wirthlin
   This quote talks about the goodness of being kind. That being kind is good. To be great you have to be kind. You have to show  kindness to be great. For example, you can show kindness when you are at a grocery store, your house, at school, and other places. Like by helping others clean, help with groceries, help needy, share, show respect, and be nice. so if you want to have and greatness you have to show kindness first. without kindness there will be no greatness.

                         Thanksgiving Week
My thanksgiving week went by really fast. My thanksgiving week had its ups and its downs. The ups I had that whole thanksgiving week was spending thanksgiving with my family, go black Friday shopping, watch the boxing fight and the NFL football games. The down part of that thanksgiving week was that we lost a really close family friend his name was Ricardo we called him Ricky he was a great person. I went to my first marine corpse viewing ceremony. I also went to visit many different family members. Even though I had a break off from school they still gave me homework. My homework assignment was to make a two paragraph speech about the Holocaust and how we can end it if we were part of it. During that  thanksgiving week I started reading a book called Fault in our stars. Overall I am thankful that I was able to spent time with my family.



Thursday, November 19, 2015

                                                      Don't do It
           Don't say it
 "If it is not right,                                                             
do not do it;                               
if it is not true,               
do not say it."                                               
Marcus Aurelius

What this quote means is that the best is to speak the truth and only the truth. the other good thing is to do the right thing and nothing but the right. If something is not right you should not do it. if it is not true do not say it. For example, If I was told to smoke with a group of bad kids I will do not do it because it is the wrong thing. If I was told to tell a lie to the teacher about something very important and serious I would not say it because it is not true.

  Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Each year on a specific day Americans gather for a day of feasting, football, family, etc. On this specific day people are known to give thanks for all they have been blessed with. This specific day is called Thanksgiving and is every year on the fourth Thursday of November. The Thanksgiving comes a long way from its humble beginnings. Thanksgiving was celebrated during the American Revolution at least once. That day George Washington declared a day of thanksgiving in 1789 to mark  the end of the Revolutionary War. Ever since that year the holiday by different states at different times for many years.
  1. My Family
  2. My health
  3. Food on my table
  4. Having a roof over my head
  5. The protection we receive from the Veterans
  6. Having an education
  7. Friends that care for me
  8. For living
  9. For the things I have
  10. My siblings
  11. Peace in this world
  12. My Grandparents

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

                                                                       Student Success Statement  
"Doing  what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
                                                                            Chick Moorman

is better than      

What this quote means is that if you choose the right and do the right thing it will be far more important than winning or losing. The most important thing we can do in our life is sow integrity and fairness. For example, if I was a marathon runner and had a big race and who ever won will win a grand prize. I started the race and on the way that I was running an older lady after me fell l and needed help I could've ran for it and won but I  would risk winning to do something better help others.

Friday, November 13, 2015

                                                         Student Success Statement

1.  Have the courage to say no.                             
2. Have the courage to face the truth.
3. Do the right thing because it is the right.

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.
                             W. Clement Stone
 What this quote means is that we all have the courage to say no, face the truth, and to do the right thing. We are all our own person if we want to choose the wrong don't encourage others to follow in your steps. Instead you should do the right thing by choosing the right. For example, if a group of trouble makers came up to me and asked me to not tell anyone that they are ditching school and if I want to join them. I will follow the 3 magic keys to living my life with integrity. I will have the courage to say no and  tell the principal that they are ditching because it will be the right thing to do. Choose the right and follow the 3 magic  keys to living your life with integrity.

            Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibility: a Health science libararian conducts in depth research on different health RE LATED TOPICS IN order to fing the lates information. their task is to use their access to national networks to locate books, journals, and articals a costumer may need.

Salary:  68,750

Education: take science and math classes in high school, Bachelors’ degree, master’s degree.
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I would not like to be a health science librarian because it seems like a pretty straight forward boring job and the pay isn’t that good.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                                Veterans Day

 Veterans day is commemorating the signing of armistic that  ended World War 1. It is on November 11th. The purpose for Veterans day is to honor Americas veterans for their patriotism and their love of the country. It is important to show honor on Veterans day for they risked lives , providing  security, for the family sacrificing they make, and for there willingness to fight an die for us. Their are several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans day such as saying thank you when you see anyone who serves our country, write letters to soldiers, donate to troops, take a moment to reflect on veterans day, etc.


I feel great that there is such a day that everyone can take their time to thank those wonderful Veterans. Everyday we can wake up to a beautiful safe morning because of them. The reason we fall asleep with no fears is because of the brave veterans. I do no know what situation our world will be in if we didn't have those amazing Veterans in our life. We are very blessed that these brave men and women chose to serve are country. No one forced them to serve our country they chose to protect us which can lead to risking family and their own lives. So we are very grateful to have such intelligent brave soldiers as them. They are incredible people.

Friday, November 6, 2015

                               Shall be wise
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but

a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
                                                                    Proverbs 13:20

 What this quote means to me is that someone who hangs out with a crowd of good kids turns out to have a bright successful future compared to those who want to be a follower and follow the path of the wrong crowd who choose the wrong mostly all the time. What crowd would you like to fall in? I will choose to walk with the wise men and be wise. Rather than to accompany the fools and be destroyed. If you walketh with the wise men you can avoid the harmful addiction to drugs and alcohol. If you want to choose the wrong and accompany the fools you will be destroyed. For example, if I get invited on a school night by two different groups of people (Group A and Group B). Group A  is inviting me to go and study with them for finals that week while group B is inviting me to go party and drink with no parent supervision. This is all happening on a school night. With what group will you go with? I will go to the study group which is Group A because if I have the choice to stay late and sleep late on a school night it will be for studying not partying. I will rather spend it studying because it will pay off in the future. Do good and be wise.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

                                                               To do good
                        "The best recreation is to do good."
                                William Penn  
What William Penn is saying by "The best recreation is to do good."  is that the best ting wee can create or recreate is the goodness we do. When you do good not only do you feel satisfied and happy but so does the person who received the goodness. For example, for me the best recreation is to do good which means that I need to show others that I can be good and treat my community good. By that saying I could help the elderly on my block, and I can also help keep my  environment clean which shows the act of goodness I did. It is best when you choose the right and do good.


Monday, November 2, 2015


"Right is right, even if everyone is against it;         
and wrong is wrong, even
if everyone is for it." 
  William Penn
What this quote by William Penn means to me is that right will always be right and wrong will never be right but always wrong. It is okay to choose the right even though everyone is against it. You don't have to follow what others do you choose the right even if others are not on the same page. if everyone is doing wrong choosing the wrong you sold not follow their path you should do the right thing. For example, you are given the choice to hang out with either one of the two groups. Group A and Group B. Group A are going to ditch school to go to the park while group  B will be going to the movies after school. With what group would you go with? I will choose the right and go with group B. Even though everyone will be against going to school but it is the right ting to do. Even if going with group A means everyone is for it doesn't mean I have to do the wrong and go with them.

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: Collaborate with specialist and groups to determine community health needs and the availability of service for meeting needs. Develop plans and policies necessary to achieve health education objective and services.

Salary: 40,901

Education Requirements: A bachelor’s degree

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I would not like to be a Health Educator because it gives a low pay and it involves a lot of speaking which I don’t really like to do.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

       "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want and see it often."
                                                            Peter Vidmar


What this quote means to me is that want you really want most in your life do it later in the future. You have to do what you want now and work from there. An example is that what I really want or want t do is finish high school with good grades, and be a very good athletic person. What I really want the most though can hold on. What I want now is to get my first report card with A's and B's. what I want now I can start working on it want the most can hold on and work on that everyday. Don't give up what you want toe most for what you want now.                                          

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: 

- Responsible for the hiring and supervising staff

-Also responsible for: *controlling finances *suppling orders *personal oversight

Salary: $62,170 to $104,120

Education: Master’s Degree, and Bachelor’s Degree.   

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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?     I would probably like to be one because it has a good pay, and it  sound like a colol simple job to have.

Friday, October 23, 2015

          "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches"
                                                                       Proverbs 22:1



What this quote means to me is that by having plenty of money, riches, it will not bring you happiness, a good name will bring you happiness. This quote can relate to many of the rich people out there because plenty of them who have riches end up as a selfish person, stingy, lonely, and full of sadness which does not give out a good name. For example, if their was this one lady full of riches, has a nice expensive car, and a beautiful big mansion with only her living in it, and if there was this other lady who did not have as much money has the other one, and lived in a tiny home with her family. Who do you think is full of happiness? The lady that is full of riches may look happy but is not because, she does not have happiness in her life, she is alone in her big house with no family and is full of sadness. The lady who isn't has fortunate as the wealthy lady as a life full of happiness because even though she doesn't have money she is not selfish, and has a family who she takes care of. Who do you think will receive a good name? The lady that has no riches is the one who has received the good name because she doesn't have money and still does her part to help others. it is good to choose the right and help others to receive a good name instead of being selfish and receiving a bad name.